
What is ArbiterLive?

ArbiterLive is a cutting-edge platform that is transforming the way sports officials manage their assignments and communicate with their colleagues. This innovative tool allows officials to access their schedules and game details from anywhere, at any time. ArbiterLive is designed to simplify and streamline the officiating process, reducing administrative tasks so officials can focus on what really matters - ensuring fair play on the field.

How Does ArbiterLive Work?

ArbiterLive combines a user-friendly interface with powerful scheduling and communication tools. Officials can view their schedules, accept or decline assignments, and manage their availability all from one central location. The platform also features automated reminders, so officials never miss an assignment or important deadline.
In addition to its scheduling capabilities, ArbiterLive also offers a suite of communication tools. Officials can use the platform to communicate with their assigners and colleagues, share game information, and receive updates and notifications in real-time. With ArbiterLive, officials are always in the loop and can easily stay connected with their officiating community.

Why Choose ArbiterLive?

ArbiterLive is the premier platform for sports officials looking to optimize their officiating experience. With its intuitive design, powerful scheduling tools, and robust communication capabilities, ArbiterLive offers a complete solution for officials of all levels. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or just starting out, ArbiterLive can help you take your officiating to the next level.


Q: What sports does ArbiterLive support?

A: ArbiterLive supports a wide range of sports, including football, basketball, volleyball, soccer, and more. If you're an official for any sport, ArbiterLive can help streamline your scheduling and communication tasks.

Q: Is ArbiterLive easy to use?

A: Yes! ArbiterLive is designed with user experience in mind, offering a simple and intuitive interface that is easy to navigate. Whether you're a tech-savvy official or a beginner, ArbiterLive is easy to learn and use.

Q: Can I access ArbiterLive on my mobile device?

A: Yes! ArbiterLive is fully mobile-responsive, so you can access your schedules and game details from anywhere, at any time. Simply log in to your account on your smartphone or tablet and you're good to go.


ArbiterLive is a game-changer for sports officials everywhere. With its powerful scheduling and communication tools, officials can spend less time on administrative tasks and more time doing what they love - officiating games. If you're an official looking to streamline your officiating experience, ArbiterLive is the platform for you.